Custom Box Inserts

Made for those bits and pieces, box inserts will hold it all together

Any box that Brimar manufacturers makes can contain custom box inserts.

Since Brimar is a custom box insert manufacturer, we can secure your product perfectly in your box using one of our inserts.

If your product needs to be secured or presented in your custom box, Brimar can design and manufacture custom inserts to do the job.

You can have custom inserts made of chipboard, peachboard, vinyl, foam, and vacuum formed plastic. The material we use to manufacture your custom inserts depends on what your product is and the quantity of your order.

Since we are custom box manufacturers first, we seldom manufacture inserts without also manufacturing your boxes.

However, if you have already purchased your boxes elsewhere, and you need custom inserts, please feel free to contact us for a custom insert solution.

Mechanical Parts Box Insert

Box Inserts Gallery

Chipboard Platform Inserts

Chipboard Platform Inserts

If you require a filler to raise your product off the bottom of your box, then a chipboard platform insert is an inexpensive and effective solution. Gift certificate boxes commonly contain chipboard platforms inserts. The chipboard used for platform inserts ranges from .030″ to .100″ and comes in chip, white, chocolate, and black. Chipboard platform inserts can also be laminated with a printed or plain paper.

Since we manufacture chipboard platform inserts using specialized equipment that does not require a cutting die, it is an inexpensive alternative to die cut chipboard inserts. However, if you require any die cuts or registered printing on the surface of your insert, then you will require a die cut chipboard insert.

Die Cut Chipboard Inserts

Die Cut Chipboard Inserts

Die cut chipboard inserts are an inexpensive solution when you need to secure a few items in cavities. Precisely shaped cavities are die cut in the chipboard so that your product can rest securely in the cavity. The chipboard used for die cut chipboard custom inserts ranges from .030″ to .100″ and comes in chip, white, chocolate, and black. Die cut chipboard inserts can also be laminated with a printed or plain paper.

Die Cut Peachboard

Die Cut Peachboard

Die cut peachboard or velboard custom inserts add a touch of elegance to your product. A variety of colors and textures are available for die cut peachboard inserts.

Partition Inserts

Partition Inserts

Partition inserts are ideal when products are bulk packaged in one box. Brimar uses several grades of chipboard to manufacture our partition inserts. Let us know the size of your product and the quantity you would like to package in a box, and we will design the perfect partition custom inserts for you.

Tray Inserts

Tray Inserts

Tray inserts are an inexpensive solution when items of similar size need to be packed in one box. Tray inserts do not require tooling to manufacture so they are ideal for small quantity orders. The chipboard used for tray inserts ranges from .030″ to .100″ and comes in chip, white, chocolate, and black. Tray inserts can also be laminated inside with a printed or plain paper.

Vacuum Formed Plastic Inserts

Vacuum Formed Plastic Inserts

For larger quantity orders, vacuum formed custom inserts become an affordable option. Vacuum formed custom inserts provide unmatched protection and will turn your package into a presentation. Many colors and grades of plastics are available. We can even provide vacuum formed inserts that match PMS colors.

Die Cut Foam Inserts

Die Cut Foam Inserts

If your product requires extra protection, die cut foam inserts are a perfect solution. We can provide a variety of foam in many different colors.New text object.